Negotiation Marketing

What is negotiation marketing? With over 25 years as a negotiator, Duane applies the same concepts from closing deals to marketing businesses online.

Both negotiation and marketing revolve around a human emotional element or psychology that walks a person through problem awareness, to confession (through self talk) to execution or sale.

These 3 elements are key to either negotiating in person or to selling online. When clients use these strategies, tremendous growth occurs.

With the addition of social media and emerging technologies, Duane helps clients market their business to a grand scale with no advertising.

About Duane

Duane is a Christian, husband, father, negotiator, music instructor, and online entrepeneur. With a passion in teaching others, Duane started in the online world in the 1990's with a guitar instruction course.

As a negotiator for fortune 500 companies for over 25 years, Duane has closed multi-million dollar deals, negotiated wtih Fist Nation chiefs, government, businesses, and individuals.

With a unique style of negotiation, Duane combines the emotional element of negotiation and fuses it with marketing. This approach allows businesses to reach the psychological decision-making soul of their customers.

With the advent of technology, Duane mentors students in how to reach their target market, approach them through social media channels, and close them wtih psychological marketing techniques.

Take my free course "Zero to Sales" which will walk you through the steps to set up your marketing so that you can grow your business and become successful!